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Support The Work

6 month Budget goal for April - Sept

Funds from side projects = 85%

Funds from donors = 15%

Current Projects: New Websites for Calvary Limerick, Calvary Waterford, Calvary Broomfield, and Calvary Braid Valley

Look at what we can do together! Our goal each month is to have all of our operational costs covered by a combination of donations from our supporters, as well as income from side projects that we take on to help offset the costs. The more donations we receive, the less side jobs we have to take, and the more time we have to provide 100% free media for small churches and church-plants!


We give it all away for free! Your donation goes to the production of websites, graphics, social media, podcasts, and more! All for churches who

truly need help in this area and do not have the means to provide it.


Extra resources go toward the development of expanding Hesed and hiring new team members to serve even more people around the world. We are not at that point yet, but Lord willing, one day we will be!


We have partnered with Calvary Vista (our sending church) to establish a missions fund at no cost to Hesed Creative; 100% of donations go to support the mission of Hesed! Calvary Vista is an approved 501(c)(3) charity, and will provide accounting & finance support to the ministry, as well as tax deductible donation receipts.


To make a one-time or recurring donation, please click the DONATE button to visit the secure giving portal.  Under "Categories & Funds" select "Missionaries" and then the sub-category "Hesed Creative."

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