From Aaron, Brooklynn, & Hesed Creative
Hello everyone! This is Brooklynn giving you an update on our adventures with Hesed Creative!
Thank you so much for your prayers. It is hard to believe but we have now been in Oklahoma for two weeks! Our journey started April 7th, and we completed our drive in two days. We are thankful that we arrived safely and our trip was an easy one. Our things also arrived a few days after us safely. Since then we have been settling into life in Oklahoma.
I know it is cliche' to talk about the weather but....the weather has been all over the place here! One day it was 80 degrees and the very next day it was 40, not quite Southern California weather but we are enjoying the diversity!
What we are working on:
On our very first day here, Aaron was able to start our work for churches in Ireland. He's been working with...
1. Calvary Limerick: A church plant in Ireland. We've launched the website calvarylimerick.com and it's been a huge blessing to Pastor Wavey Cowpar!
2. Calvary Waterford: We have started redesigning the website for CCWaterford, an amazing church in Ireland.
3. Vox Hibernia: We have built a website, and have begun assisting with this brilliant Irish Podcast, run by our dear friend pastor Mike Neglia of Calvary Cork.
On top of that, Aaron has been hired to do web design for 3 churches, logo design, and social media for a few small businesses, and we are in talks for producing a magazine for a charity that helps endangered children overseas!
Aaron has scheduled each day to work with different churches & clients, and is making the most of his time! It has been a blessing so far, and he is loving the chance to be creative while also helping those churches who have a huge need for graphics/websites.
Brooklynn with her cousins, Jessica and Tiffany.
Uncle Aaron spending time with our adorable niece Emma!
Family & Faith:
We've been spending time with my family, and I've been helping my grandma with day to day things. It has been so special for me to be able to invest in that time, time I didn't previously have before. I am so thankful to God and to all of you for helping make this possible. In addition to family time, I have been hard at work assisting Aaron with Hesed, working on some graphic design projects and laying the administrative foundation for our ministry!
Two Sundays ago we attended my family's home church and then celebrated my grandma's 79th birthday. This last weekend we went to a wonderful church called Frontline in Oklahoma city! The sermon was powerful, and we made some new friends. We still have some churches we want to check out, but we are excited to get plugged into a new community and fellowship. Of course... we miss our Calvary Vista family so much! Our hearts are with you all.
Things we need prayer for:
1. A church for us to call home! There are a few different churches we have been invited to, so we are going to be attending those over the next couple of weeks. We want to find a place with good Bible teaching and a fellowship that we can serve in and make new friends.
2. More provision for Hesed. Currently, to make this work, Aaron has had to take a lot of side work from clients. God has been providing, but we are praying for a shift in where our time is able to be spent. 75% of our income is coming from Aaron taking jobs, and 25% is from donations. Currently, he can only devote 2 days of the work-week to the Nonprofit and helping the churches in Ireland. He has to work the rest of the week for clients to make ends meet. It's a lot of work, and he's often working long hours and on weekends. We've been so blessed because the majority of his current clients are churches as well, so we really feel like we are doing a lot of good! But we are just praying that in the next coming months the workload becomes more balanced. Please pray for provision, and consider becoming a monthly donor, or even making a one-time donation. Every bit helps!
3. Fresh ideas & creativity for the churches we will be helping!
4. Brooklynn's family. One of our focuses, as we are here, is to really invest and spend time with family. We would like to potentially start a home Bible study, so we need prayer for the vision for that and also for our time with her family to be fruitful.
5. A place to serve and use our gifts of preaching and ministering to young people.
6. The last thing is just all the little things we have left like getting our car registered, new drivers license, and all that comes with moving to a new state.
Thank you, everyone, for your support and prayers. We would not be able to do this without you and are so appreciative. We do miss everyone but know this is where we are supposed to be right now.
Thank you again!
Brooklynn, & Aaron Salvato
Hesed Creative
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace."
Philippians 1:3-7
Some Links to stuff we are doing!
Ask A Youth Pastor Podcast
We still have a huge heart to reach young people! We started a podcast called Ask a Youth Pastor, where students can submit questions! We have several episodes online and Aaron is going to start recording more. If you know someone who would be blessed by this, share the link with them!
A Better Way To Give
Our giving page (through Calvary Vista) was pretty clunky, but our pal Eddie Hill and the accounting wizards have come up with a brand new giving page that is so much easier to donate! Check it out! You can easily set up recurring payments or 1 times gifts with just a few clicks. Please consider supporting our work!
Social Media account coming soon!
One thing we've been hard at work at is our social media account! We are getting to launch it very soon with content and updates about our work. It would mean a lot to us if you followed us on instagram! @hesed.creative is our handle, or click the link below!