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Writer's pictureAaron Salvato

January Update

Happy New year!

It is hard to believe that it is 2019 already. It really feels like just yesterday we were packing up our car and headed to Oklahoma. How has it already been 8 months?! Time is something we will never truly understand this side of heaven.

New year means, new goals and a time to reflect. As we look back on the whirlwind of 2018 we look back with a smile on our faces. We never expected to be in the place we are, but are so incredibly thankful for how God has guided us and provided in this new season. We began our journey to Oklahoma with an idea of things we thought might happen, plans and visions, some things happened and some of them were redirected or put on hold. That is life though isn't it? Sometimes we have an idea of how things will be and they turn out to be different! While we can't say they were wildly different than we imagined, we can say that God allowed us to learn and grow, and brought us through some trials and victories! We were stretched in new ways, and are currently! God has provided for our every need even when He tells us to wait and be patient. 

With Hesed Creative we were able to use our God given gifts in new ways and help people all around the world. We were able to do websites and graphics for places like Calvary Chapel Padova Italy, Calvary Chapel Paris Texas, Calvary Vista Missions, Rise Church in San Marcos, and Ebo Elder's book launch!  We are currently working with a church in Japan on building a website as well as a church in England and Ireland, and one in California. We are so blessed to be able to work with these different ministries to further the kingdom! 

Over the last few months we have also been involved in a community group at our church. We meet every Monday night and have a time to fellowship, pray and study God's word. It has been a huge part of this new season we are in. We are thankful to have new friends to do life with and pray with. It has been a new a different opportunity of getting poured into that we haven't been able to experience as much over the years. We are loving the time to grow closer to God in a new way. During that time Brooklynn has also been to leading a small group of girls within the community group once a month. She has been loving that time to build relationships with the girls and build friendships.

One of the coolest things to happen lately is last week we started a small Bible study in a coffee shop! Our desire for this is to bring people all ages starting with college age. We want it to be a place where someone can come and hear about Jesus that maybe wouldn't normally go to church. Last week one of the employees of the coffee shop came and even invited her friend. We are hope ing that being at this specific coffee shop can be a light to those who work there and anyone who decides to come. Starting this Bible study has been a huge answer to prayer and something we have been wanting to do for awhile. 

At the end of this month and also in February Aaron will be speaking at two different youth camps. One is for Calvary Chapel Paris Texas, and the other is for Calvary Chapel Oklahoma City. It has been really awesome to be able to still share the gospel to young people and see how God has opened the door for those opportunities out here in Oklahoma. 

Overall, its been a different season, but fruitful in ways we didn't expect. We are getting to spend a lot of time with Brooklynn's family and have been praying for ways to be used in that as well. 

Prayer requests:

1. Pray that God would continue to give us vision and direction in this new year, that we wouldn't grow weary or feel like we aren't making an impact. Its easy to feel like you aren't being used when you step away from full time ministry, but we know thats a lie from enemy!

2. Pray for this new Bible study. Also, vision for this and the God would bring "unchurched" people who maybe wouldn't normally step foot in a church but are curious to learn more about Jesus in a different setting. 

3. We would still like to get into the schools out here and do some sort of Christian club but we keep hitting some roadblocks. We need direction from God on this!

4. Pray for Aaron's workload. While we are working on Hesed, we still have to work on the side to bring in money. Freelance can be difficult sometimes because you don't always know when money will come in, and it can be difficult to balance the work with also doing ministry. So prayer for endurance and strength through this!

5. Pray that we would have patience and realize God's timing and plan is always better than ours.

Thank you all so much for praying for us and supporting us. We are so thankful to be where we are and thankful that we even get to be apart of God's work. We are so thankful for you!


Aaron and Brooklynn Salvato

Hesed Creative

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